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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 北京市 怀柔区 怀柔地区 北京市怀柔区迎宾中路36号2层23654室
  • 姓名: 庄林
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:仪器仪表 电子元器件
  • 发布日期:2019-07-29
  • 阅读量:151
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:12V-65AH
  • 产品数量:500.00 只
  • 包装说明:不限
  • 发货地址:北京怀柔怀柔  
  • 关键词:广隆蓄电池,原装正品进口,厂家直销


      ●警报体系(Alarm Systems)
      ●有线电视(Cable Television)
      ●通讯设备(Communications Equipment)
      ●操控配备(Control Equipment)
      ●电子收款机(Electronic Cash Registers)
      ●电子测验配备(Electronic Test Equipment)
      ●电动轮椅(Electronic Powered Wheelchairs)
      ●急迫照明体系(Emergency Lighting Systems)
      ●防火或保全琐屑(Fire & Security Systems)
      ●地舆设备(Geophysical Equipment)
      ●大陆配备(Marine Equipment)
      ●医学设备(Medical Equipment)
      ●办公室微处理机(Micro Processor Based Office Machines)
      ●可携式片子和电视灯光(Portable Cine & Video Lights)
      ●电开器械(Power Tools)
      ●太阳能琐屑(Solar Powered Systems)
      ●电信体系(Teleco妹妹unications Systems)
      ●电视和录像机(Television & Video Recorders)
      ●不时电琐屑(Uninterruptible Power Supplies)
      ●主动出售机(Vending Machines

      【LONG广隆】 【日本电池株式会社】 【闽台LONG广隆】


      JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. is an American subsidiary of GS Yuasa Corporation of Japan, the world leader in motorcycle and standby storage batteries, which serves the power sports, teleco妹妹unications, UPS, and the emergency lighting markets. JAPAN STORAGE BATTERY CO.,LTD. recently entered the renewable energy photovoltaic and storage market in North America. GS Battery’s headquarters’ in Roswell, Georgia, is the home of the first co妹妹ercial solar installation with batteries in the state of Georgia.

      GS Yuasa Corporation’s businesses include the manufacture and supply of batteries, power supply systems, lighting equipment, specialty and other electrical equipment. In order to allow us to offer products and services that best meet the needs of our customers around the world, we are continually making modifications and improvements to our R&D, manufacturing, and distribution systems, ensuring that they have a global focus.

      As technological innovation accelerates in the energy and environmental fields, new values are required in the storage battery industry. These challenges serve to motivate us and we continually advance with new products and new technologies into the changing world before us. Our corporate slogan, “Next to you”, is where we seek to be as we work towards meeting the needs of the changing world.

      We give ** to making your life richer, to turning your dreams into reality, and to help build a common future for everyone.


      由于技艺立异在动力和环境局限的加快,新的值是必需的蓄电池工业。这些应战可以推进咱们,咱们不断推出新产品和新妙技促进到不息改变的全国在咱们迎面。咱们的企业标语, “你周围” ,是咱们奋力做到,由于咱们奋力满意不休改变的全国的重要。

      咱们给100 %让您的生计更扎实,给你的愿望变成实践,并解救每整体建立一个一起的未来。
    欢迎来到北京弗纳德电源设备有限公司网站, 具体地址是北京市怀柔区怀柔地区北京市怀柔区迎宾中路36号2层23654室,老板是甘立新。 主要经营主要经营:德国阳光蓄电池,海志蓄电池,荷贝克蓄电池,索润森蓄电池,梅兰日兰蓄电池,科华蓄电池,风帆蓄电池,艾诺斯蓄电池,大力神蓄电池,圣阳蓄电池,山特蓄电池,BB蓄电池,冠军蓄电池,APC电源等等。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 本公司供应上海复华保护神蓄电池,Powerson蓄电池,我们有大型的仓库和场地,我们还有专业的技术人员,我们公司保证供应给你质量优良的产品!