邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A 邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A 邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A 邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A 邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A 邱健Trojan蓄电池L16RE-A
Trojan电池随着咱们客户动力需求的不断更改而与时俱进。咱们的项目师在持继不竭地对制造品进行改良,为设备采纳的Trojan电池的电源供给更佳的性能。Trojan的技能改进,如T2技能?、*的Alpha Plus? 铅膏、独占的Maxguard?隔板,以及我们的外部电池爱惜体系相辅相成,确保优质的电池性能 。
SmartCarbon_logo Trojan局部荷电状态的智能规画方案我们Trojan公司理解为您的基本需求提供的须要性。这等于为甚么咱们很自 豪地向您先容智能碳排放管束?技术(Smart Carbon?);这一个为一部分荷电形状 (PSOC)下的运用开发的靠得住而智能的筹画方案。
在脱网和不顽强的电网使用中,深轮回电池在部分荷电状态(PSOC)下深度循 环。时常在局部荷电形态(PSOC)下运作会很快飞腾电池小我寿命,这会招致 频仍和昂贵的电池更换。
为了图谋有部分荷电形态对可再生动力(RE)中的深循环电池、逆变器和电信 备份使用的影响,Trojan电池公司当前已将智能碳排放管教?列为其家打造与优 质富液式电池系列制造品的规范功能。经由历程Trojan工程团队追赶五年的研发,智能碳排放控制成为Trojan公司自立研 发的手艺。当电池在一小块荷电外形(PSOC)下使历时,性能可大大行进;在电 池需要按时充电的运用中,可行进电池的总体使用寿命。Trojan的智能碳排放控制手艺,是它在致力于供给长轮回寿命、经久耐用与可 日复一日提供继续电源的深轮回电池的根抵上,推出的一项新技艺。Trojan电池公司 – 为较需求运用供应电源
T2 Technology
用T2技术改善Alpha Plus? 铅膏?
较好行使性能 Alpha Plus? 铅膏是Trojan的**设计,准确设计的高密度配方,可供应**卓的电池性能。此高密度铅膏 有效利用活性材料,优化了活性原料的多孔构造,客户兴许在更永劫内失掉更持久的电池性能。Trojan的T2技术为Alpha Plus?铅膏引入了T2金属助剂(正在申请专利),进一步增强了Alpha Plus? 铅膏的电化学处理本事。在Alpha Plus? 铅膏晶体中引入T2技能,不只可进步电池持久性,还可增多总安培小时数,为您的运用提供更强的运行能量。这是Trojan电池在竞争中不停处于 争先地位的关键起因。
Trojan Battery Trojan Grid Technology BoxNum_02
Trojan 隔板武艺
收缩阴碍年光 Trojan板栅技术手段接纳格外配制的铅锑合金,T2技艺改进的Alpha Plus? 铅膏。此合金配方可在Alpha Plus? 铅膏晶体与板栅筋条之间供给特其它粘着机关;较厚的板栅可增强板栅的强固性并削减氧化。对总体板栅设置进行美化可进步流经板栅的电流,从而提供出 众的电池性能,缩短阻挠工夫并高涨总体护卫资本。
电池寿命更长 Maxguard? T2隔板 惟Trojan电池独占。Trojan的Maxguard? T2多肋隔板 采取多条纹几许构造,可保持酸液通道更暂时地疏浚无阻,从而推动电化学反馈,同时降低层化的风险。Maxguard? 以橡胶为主的专有资料配方可压抑正极板栅与负极板之间的锑转移;大多数同业电池制造品并无此项关怀。新的加厚型后盖网可供应更强的间断中止层关切,防御 多肋隔板 褪 化引致的阻挠,使电池更耐用。Trojan的Maxguard? T2较级关心 多肋隔板 经久耐用,可明显拖延时间电池使用寿命,并大大高涨经营老本。
As the energy needs of our customers continue to evolve, so do Trojan batteries. Our engineers are working continually to improve our products, and provide even greater battery performance for the equipment Trojan batteries power. Advancements such as Trojan’s T2 Technology?, proprietary Alpha Plus? Paste, exclusive Maxguard? separator and our Internal Battery Protection System work in synergy to deliver exceptional battery performance.
C-Max Technology
C-Max_logo Reliant’s unique C-Max Technology incorporates a wide range of features not found in many of today’s AGM battery offerings, including a proprietary paste formula, unique separator, special polymer case design and maximum flame arrestors. These combined elements deliver increased total energy output, maximized sustained performance, consistent quality, and enhanced durability.
Trojan Battery – the most trusted name in deep-cycle technology – offers the AC Series, designed specifically to meet the needs of Floor Machine and AWP/Access applications.
The AC Series offers a broad range of dependable flooded/wet batteries in 6-volt and 12-volt sizes, and delivers numerous features and benefits over competitor batteries including:
Maxguard? Advanced Design Separator and Alpha Plus? paste formulation for long life, industry-leading performance and lower overall maintenance costs.
Two battery case options – Polyon? case for exceptional durability in heavy service applications or a generic case design for standard applications.
Trojan’s AC Series offers high- to low-capacity points to meet your application and economic needs, all with the same Trojan quality.
With Trojan’s AC Series you can expect maximum uptime and more productive hours on the job.
Trojan’s Reliant? Line of U.S.-made Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) batteries feature design elements that offer a new direction in AGM technology. As the only true deep-cycle AGM battery on the market today, Reliant is engineered with an advanced technology feature set that provides outstanding sustained performance and total energy output, delivering the exceptional quality and reliability Trojan batteries are known for.
J305E-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J305G-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J305H-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J305HG-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J305P-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
L16E-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
L16G-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
L16H-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
L16HG-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
L16P-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J185E-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J185G-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J185H-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J185HG-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
J185P-AC Deep-Cycle Flooded
T-105 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
T-125 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
T-145 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
J150 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
J1260 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
J1275 Plus Deep-Cycle Flooded
Reliant J305-AGM Deep-Cycle Reliant? AGM
Reliant L16-AGM Deep-Cycle Reliant? AGM
Reliant T105-AGM Deep-Cycle Reliant? AGM
6V-GEL Deep-Cycle GEL
SCS150 Deep-Cycle Flooded
SCS200 Deep-Cycle Flooded
SCS225 Deep-Cycle Flooded
24TMX Deep-Cycle Flooded
27TMX Deep-Cycle Flooded
24-AGM Deep-Cycle AGM
27-AGM Deep-Cycle AGM
31-AGM Deep-Cycle AGM
OverDrive AGM 31? Deep-Cycle AGM
8D-AGM Dual-Purpose AGM
24-GEL Deep-Cycle GEL
27-GEL Deep-Cycle GEL
31-GEL Deep-Cycle GEL
Ranger? 160 Deep-Cycle Flooded
Trojan电瓶的种类有: T-105、T-125、T-145、T-875等,遍布运用于高尔夫球车、干部车辆、垛板叉车、洗地机、杠杆式起落机、新能源、应急灯、逍遥型车、电动车、商用卡车有限公司,是一家具备自营进入口权的中外合资企业。从电动设施干事已有十多年的历史,个中采集了电技动叉车,高尔夫球车,高空作业车,洗地机,扫地机。专营进口原装trojan电池及相关配备,配件. 咱们供给世界上*的出产品,完竣的售后管事,为包括Toro配件等国表里品牌的用户供应零配件及关连供职。